Learn to Rock GDPR

Data Protection and Compliance with GDPR Policy:  May 2018

Learn to Rock is committed and transparent about how it collects and uses the personal data of its customers and how it meets data protection regulations.

This policy applies to the students and parents whom receive instrument and singing tuition through Learn to Rock.

Personal data is any information that relates to an individual who can be identified by that information.

Processing is any use that is made of the data including collecting, amending, disclosing or destroying it.


  • Learn to Rock processes personal data, lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner
  • Learn to Rock collects personal data only for specified and explicit/ legitimate purposes
  • Learn to Rock processes personal data necessary for information pertaining to the organisation, delivery and evaluation of the effectiveness of music tuition for all students
  • Learn to Rock stores personal data only for the period for which the student is engaged in tuition with Learn to Rock
  • Learn to Rock adopts appropriate measures to ensure that all data is stored securely
  • Learn to Rock adopts appropriate measures to destroy all data when the student no longer receives lessons
  • Learn to Rock informs individuals regarding the reasons for processing their data and how such data is used
  • Learn to Rock informs individuals on how to contact us to amend or delete their personal data

How We Use and Store Your Data


  • We will collect the information detailed below from you via the application form that you submit to register your child for lessons with us
  1. Your child’s name
  2. Your child’s date of birth
  3. Your child’s school and year group
  4. Your name (Parent or Carer)
  5. Your address
  6. Your telephone number either landline, mobile or both
  7. Your email address
  8. An emergency contact person, their address and contact telephone number
  9. The instrument type and duration of lesson your require tuition for
  • When you complete the application form you are ‘opting in’ to give Learn to Rock permission to contact you by mail, email and / or telephone about our services (detailed below) from the date on the application form


  • We do not and will not share your personal data, gained from the application forms, with any third party outside of Learn to Rock Ltd other than below:
  • Your child’s name, school, year group, instrument type and length of lesson time will be detailed on our timetables and supplied to the tutor’s (designated to teach your child)
  • Our timetables are shared ONLY with the school which your child attends and with the tutor who will teach your child


  • The data we gain from your application forms is stored in two ways:
  1. As a hard copy application form in a secure designated storage unit and for access only by authorised personnel
  2. As an electronic copy on a secure file on one company computer with security systems in place and for access only by authorised personnel


  • Your data is stored by us for the duration of time that your child is receiving tuition from us
  • Once you cancel your child’s lessons all hard copy application forms are destroyed in a secure manner and your details are permanently deleted from our electronic records
  • If you then chose to re-register your child for lessons with us you will be required to complete a new application form
  • You can request us to delete or amend your information at any point by contacting us directly: admin@learntorock.co.uk


  1. We will use your address details to send you the termly newsletters and invoices, annual progress reports and company policy documents
  2. We will use your address details to send you information about concerts that your child may be involved with and to send you free tickets for such concerts or information on how to purchase or book tickets
  3. We will use your address to send you information about new learning activities which we run in schools that your child may benefit from
  4. We will use your mobile number to send you text reminders of when payments are/ were due
  5. We may use your landline telephone number to remind you of when payments are/ were due
  6. We will use your mobile and landline number (or the emergency contact numbers) if you are late collecting your child from any of our evening lessons
  7. We will use your mobile and landline number (or the emergency contact numbers) to contact you to collect your child if your child becomes ill in our care
  8. We will use your mobile and landline number to contact you if you have given authorised permission for your child to make their own way to an evening lesson and they do not turn up