Burley Oaks Year 5 Amazing Progress
Posted: 25/09/14
Alison visited Burley Oaks Primary School on Tuesday to look at the progress made by the Year 5 students on the Learn to Rock Junior programme.
This was only the start of the third week of the programme this year and the progress made by all the students so far is outstanding.
In Bass Guitar, students have learnt right band walking fingers across all strings with Left Hand fretting up to 7th position and playing the Bass line to ‘Get Lucky’.
In Keyboard, students have learnt 3 chords with smooth movement and playing to a backing drum beat in time!
In Drums, students have perfected a basic Rock Groove with a quaver fill!
In Guitars, students can play the chords to ‘Back in Black’ whilst some students can okay the fill riff.
The students were engaged, motivated and really excited about the music they were playing and the techniques they were learning on all these instruments!
We are keen to see how well the students develop by the end of term.